Pinang Conference Vaiko speech at morning session on 21-11-20015! International forum on Human Rights Violations in Sri lanka!
Penang, Malaysia
Vaiko Speech
The organiser of this historic International Forum on the violation of Human Rights in Sri Lanka, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister of Penang - Prof. Dr. Ramasamy,
Hour excellency the Chief Minister of Penang Mr Lim-Kuan-Eng,
Honble Leader of the Democratic Action Party and the Former Opposition leader of the Malaysian Parliament Mr Lim Kit Siang
Respected Moderators and speakers,
Respected Participants and delegates,
My dear sisters and brothers,
It is my bounden duty to extend million thanks to hon’ble Prof. Ramasamy and the organisers of this forum, for giving me the honour and privilege to present my keynote address in this historical meeting.
Tamils all over the world extend their sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ramasamy for his commendable achievement by organising successfully the Internatioanl Tamil Conference last year, 2014 November, and for the Penang Declaration, which gave immense confidence for a promising dawn to the suffering Eelam Tamils.
The Sri Lankan Government making all efforts to stiffle the voice of Tamils, not only in Tamil Eelam, but also in other countries.
They are always targeting me also, The Sri Lankan High Commission prepared a folder and sent to all embassies. when Hamsa was the Deputy High Commissioner, pointing out my connections to LTTE and circulate it to all the embassies, not to provide Visa for those countries.
For the past 7 years, I could not go to America, even to see my beloved grand daughters Hanna, Sara, Likewise, UK, Cananda, Switzerland.Germany even
But, I am not bothered. So many heroes have gone as martyrs. Till the flame is not extinguished, likewise if not Vaiko, somebody else will accomplish the deed.
I was denied Visa to come to attend this forum, due to the intervention of Sri Lankan Government.
But, Prof. Ramasamy took the matter seriously, sent Satheesh Muniyandi and David Marshal to Kuala Lumpur.
Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Mr Kulasekaran took effective steps for my visa.
I thank the Malaysian Government, particularly the Dy. Prime Minister enabling me to get visa and participate. So that I am here.
I believe the words of Homer in Ulysses:
‘To strike, to strive, to persevere; not to yield; come what may’
Like this attempt of Sri Lanka failed, all their attempts will end in failure.
We will see the national flag of Tamil Eelam flutter in front of the United Nations.
The hearts of the Tamils, not only in the Island of Sri Lanka, but the Tamils all over the world bleed due to naked truth that most of the so called democratic countries have joined hands with the blood thirsty racist mongers of Sri Lanka to destroy the human rights of those unfortunate Tamils.
We have not assembled here due to despair and frustration. But, we have assembled with indomitable will and determination to fight for justice, so that Eelam Tamils attain sovereignty for the traditional homeland.
We Tamils are the ancient civilised and mortal race.
We need not bow to the atrocious pressure being excerted by powers like United States, to suppress our voice with the sole aim to benefit their geo political selfish interest.
I recall the words of Shelly: We are few; They are many; but, we will make a Thermapylae; We will establish justice for our sisters and brothers in the island of Sri Lanka.
Let us stand together. We should all arise like one man and one woman.
I would like to confine myself to the crux of the problem.
The title of this workshop revolves around the violation of human rights in the island of Sri Lanka.
From the dawn of history, oppression and torture by one dominant section on others pushing them to slavery and servitude, which boomaranged on the oppressors in the form of struggle, sacrifice, insurrection and rebellion.
After the end of the great Second World War, many governments did put their heads together to establish the United Nations, with a sole purpose to protect the human rights all over the world.
The declaration of human rights on 10th December 1948, has given confidence and hope to the people all over the world.
We have all assembled here under the terrible shadow of grievous tragedy of Eelam Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka. The Tamils of the North and East of the Island, the original inhabitants, do crave and fight for self-determination of their traditional homeland. i.e. Tamil Eelam, which is based on the strong foundation of human rights, which have been enshrined in the declaration of human rights of United States, which was adopted on 10th december 1948
Article 15 of the declaration says: Everyone has the right to a nationality; no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality, nor denied the right to change his nationality.
The letter and spirit of this article was emphatically reiterated by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its 1514th Resolution in the 947th plenary meeting, held on 14th december 1960 in New York, in its 15th session
I quote the relevant portion of the resolution.
Believing that the process of liberation is iresistible and irreversible and that, in order to avoid serious crises, an end must be put to colonisation and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith,
Declares that:
2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
Violation of human rights and its burial under 1000 fathoms of depth by the Sri Lankan racist consecutive governments do fully justified the emergence of armed revolutions of tamil youths, particularly LTTE under its dynamic leadership of legendary Prabakaran, who has followed the cordinal principle of the preamble of the Human Rights Declaration of UNO which I quote:
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Let us analyse the role of HRC in this whole episode.
The betrayal of the Human Rights Council (Yearwise):
On 27.5.2009, the HRC in its 11th special session adopted a resolution, which was originally prepared by the Sri Lankan Government, not a member at that time, crowned the blood thirsty killer Government of Sri Lanka, with such platitudes, commending, welcoming, encouraging and acknowledging all the dastardly actions of the Sri Lankan Government.
With the support of 29 countries, out of total 47, 12 oppose; 6 abstained.
This resolution was the gravest injustice; the most unkindest cut as Shakespeare said in Julius Caesar against the very spirit of humanism committed by the international community in the HRC.
The three member panel Marzuki Tarusman, Steven Ratner, Yasmin Sooka, constituted by Ban-ki-moon on 27th June 2010 submitted its report 12th April 2011, with a recommendation for an independent international investigation about the violations of human rights, reconsidering the 2009 resolution.
The report was condemned by the Sri Lankan Government as biased.
The Sri Lankan President had the audacity to announce, we will not permit any international team to enter Sri Lanka.
In 2014, to hoodwing the international community, the United States and United Kingdom presented a resolution to make a cover up of the crimes committed by the Sri Lankan Government against humanity.
In every resolution of the council regarding Sri Lanka, the HRC emphasised its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.
What is sovereignty means?
Political Philophers Bodin, Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu gave different interpretations for sovereignty.
The current notion of state sovereignty contains four aspects consisting of territory, population, authority and recognitions.
The moot question here is whether the Sinhalese have sovereignty over the Tamils, before the europeans entered into the island.’
Tamils have their own sovereignty, their own territory, their own people, their own authority, their own recognition.
That is why the then Prime Minister of India Madame Indira Gandhi stated in the Indian Parliament that the Tamils of the North and East of the island are the original inhabitants.
Our thirst for sovereignty has been demonstrated by the supreme sacrifice of our martyrs, the heroes of LTTE under the uncomparable command of our Tamil nation leader Prabakaran.
We will never accept the sovereignty of Sinhalese to subjugate the Tamils.
We have to strike at the very root of this contangrous approach of the international community particularly the UNHRC, advocates reconciliation.
Since 2011, all the resolutions of the HRC speaks about reconciliation and accountability.
The word reconciliation in the context itself is a misnomer, which was coined by the murderous Rajapakse, when he constituted the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission-LLRC.
Could there be a reconciliation between a wolf and a lamb?
Could there be a reconciliation between a murderer and a victims family?
We are not for any reconciliation. Do not thrust on us.
We are for a sovereign Eelam Nation.
Starting from Muthukumar, 19 Tamils embraced the flames of death committing self-immolation to get justice and freedom for Eelam Tamils, from the clutches of Sinhalese subjugation.
The youth of Tamilnadu, particularly the students, launched peaceful agitations and humanrights leaders like Prof. Ramasamy, raised their voices.
But HRC was deaf and dumb. On 2014 March, HRC adopted a resolution urging the office of the High Commissioner of human rights, which appointed a three member UN Panel, to investigate the violation of human rights in Sri Lanka.
Mr Marti Attisari, former President of Finland, Sylvia Cartright, former High Court Judge of New Zealand and Madam Asma Jahangir, former President of the HRC of Pakistan.
This team began its work from 1st July 2014, assisting the core 7 member staff of HRC.
What is shocking that this team was not at all allowed to enter the island of Sri Lanka.
The Tamil butcher Mahinda Rajapakse, arrogantly stated that he will never allow this team to enter the island of Sri Lanka.
Now also the international community did shut their eyes and ears to this barbarous attitude.
Whether any investigation on crimes have been done in any part of this world without visiting the place of occurrence?
Whether the UN has ever witnessed such a scenario?
Anyhow, this panel submitted its report, in which the gruesome killings of innocent Tamils, ghastly rape and murder of Tamil women have been recorded including the gruel murder of Isaipriya and the tender boy Balachandran, beloved son of Prabakaran.
The international community is vehemently trying to thrust on the heads of the Eelam Tamils, an unacceptable solution in the name of reconciliation. Since 2010, the HRC also repeatedly coining this dubious word reconciliation.
The International players cleverly and cunningly taking steps to brush aside the genuine demand of the Tamils to achieve the goal of sovereign independent Tamil Eelam nation for which hundreds of thousands have sacrificed their lives shed their blood at the alter of the goddess of liberty.
That is why, they have throwned to the winds even the mild recommendations of the HRC Commissioner Al-Raat Hussein for a hybrid judicial mechanism, including international judges and prosecutors.
We do not agree with the hybrid judicial mechanism which was tried in Sierra-Leon, Lebanon, Compuchea and Rwanda.
The scenario in these countries is totally different from Sri Lanka.
There, oppression was unleashed by the Governments against the people.
Here, subjugation by one race against an another ethnic race.
The hybrid court unworkable in Sri Lanka. For example, a commission of enquiry was appointed to investigate 16 serious violations of human rights against Tamils, since, 1st August 2005 to the end of 2006, including the killing of five students in Trincomalee and the murder of 17 sunami aid volunteers, Tamils by the Sri Lankan Army.
The commission was assited by international eminent persons, headed by Justice Bagavathi, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India. But, Justice Bagavathi announced that he could not continue the investigation due to the total lack of co-operation from the government and he left.
The final resolution of the HRC, even this hybrid mechanism has been omitted.
On the other hand, the latest resolution is giving a weapon to the killer to do more harm to the victim, i.e. Tamils, recommending investigation against the LTTE for the first time.
This is never heard of. When Gaza strip of Palestine was attacked by Israeli forces, charges were made against the Hamas also. What was finally arrived, Israeli government investigated with their judicial mechanism. Likewise, the Hamas also investigated with their mechanism.
But, in our case, the LTTE has been banned not only in Sri Lanka, but also in the european union and many other countries.
So, that is not possible.
The HRC resolution recommends judges from Commonwealth Countries. Most of the CW countries including India and Britain have been charged as the co-accused.
The Chairman of CHOGM is none other than the President of Sri Lanka.
The Sri Lankan President Sirisena, with all arrogance rejected any international involvement. Only the person of the Presidency has changed. not the nefarious tone.
Mathribala Sirisena is also equally guilty of the crime of genocide. He was the defence minister at the crucial time.
On 18th October, he stated;
‘We manage to stop UN publishing the names of perpetrators; Also able to stop the names of alleged war criminals in the Sri Lankan armed forces getting published in the report of the UN investigation on Sri Lanka. If the Rajapakse was in power, names of perpetrators would have been made public.’
It is reliably learnt that the names of Maithribala and the then Defence Secretary Kotabaya Rajapakse were mentioned in that report.
On 2nd October,Sirisena said: We have removed the term ‘hybrid’ from the US draft. We have firmly taken the stand it is a domestic machanis which will be implemented in Sri Lanka. Involvement of foreign judges only a suggestion; not a directive.
He told to New York Times: Even to form a judicial mechanism to try war crimes, will be set up only after wide consultations with the religious leaders, i.e. sinhala buddhist monks, politicians and military officials.
His countrie’s constitution will not permit international judges.
During election campaign, he said that he would not allow any international forces or the Tamil diaspora to drag Mahinda Rajapakse, his family or anyone in the security forces to the international war crimes court.
I will not allow any international power to touch a single citizen of this country.
The army commanders of the Nazi regime were given the capital punishment in the Nuremberg trial. But in Sri Lanka, the military butcher of Tamils, Sarath Ponseka has been confirmed the Field Marshal title.
But the Penang Forum should inform the international community that two resolutions are the cordinal factors in the serious ethnic problem.
One is adopted in the Northern Council of Sri Lanka, under the leadership of the Chief Minister Justice Vigneswaran.
The resolution has proved with ample evidence, the genocide committed by the Sri Lankan forces and also the ongoing genocide.
Government officials have forced the tamil mothers to undergo surgical birth control. So many mothers were subjected to this birth control.
A report of the Ministry of Health, even in 2012 gives a figure of higher rate of birth control, 30 times higher in Tamil women in Mullaiteevu compared with other ares.
On the other hand, the police officials have been encouraged to have a third child through payment of one lakh rupees from the Government.
The Police and Army totally sinhalese.
The Northern Councial demanded that the UN Security Council should refer the situation in Sri Lanka to the International Criminal Court for prosecutions based on war crimes; crimes against humanity and genocide.
The North-East has been made more or less a prison camp under army control.
In some areas of the North-East there is one soldier for three tamils. This level of militarisation is unjustifiable after five years of ending of the war.
The military presence affects Tamil women. There are approximately 90,000 female headed household in the North, East. i.e. 90000 widows. They are often subjected to sexual violence by the military.
An alarming situation is arising. I would bring to the notice of this forum.
The Sri Lankan Government is planning to build traditional houses for one million Sinhalese including the military man.
The genocide of Tamils started from fifties.
The second resolution adopted unanimously in the Tamilnadu State Assembly in 16th september 2015, seeking an international investigation about the crime of genocide.
How dubious the Sri Lankan Commissions? Let us see.
On 25th March 2015, The Sirisena cabinet established a new office of National Unity and Reconciliation headed by former President Chandrika Kumaratunge.
Who is Chandrika? Another killer of Tamils.
so many brutalities were committed by her armed forces.
I still remember my unforgettable experience in Geneva in the year 1998 in the month of October, I met the deputy Chairman of the HRC, Mr Horst, the former Prime Minister of Finland and presented a memorandum about the heartbreaking tragedy of 400 Tamils who were buried in Semmani near Jaffna, including children and women.
I requested him to send the same team, Physicians for Human Rights, who did a commendable job in Kosovo, to unearth the Semmani graves to expose the crime of Chandrika regime.
With in a fortnight, Mr Horst sent the same team to semmani. The skeletons of the Tamil men, women, children were found.
It was during Chandrika regime in 9th July 1995, St. Peter’s Church was bombed by the Sri Lankan Air-force.
165 people including women and children who were inside the church were slaughtered to pieces.
When I submitted another memorandum with affidavits before a panel of experts of four women, I narrated the terrible rape and killing of Hemalatha, a 16 year old school girl by the army.
Another ghastly crime of rape and murder of Koneswari Murugapillai wife of a temple priest, mother of four children, a grenade was inserted into her private part and exploded to erase the evidence of rape murder.
I can narrate umpteen number of instances during the regime of Chandrika.
What justice the international community expects from these commissions?
Now, She is the Chairman of one commission; and the another Maxwell Baranagama, appointed by Rajapakse.
He puts all the blame on Tamils and the LTTE.
Tamils are not fighting to secede from Sinhalese country. They are fighting to regain the freedom and sovereignty which they lost since 17th century after the arrival of the europeans into that island.
From the dawn of the history, they ruled a sovereign nation that has been clearly vindicated by the Vaddukkottai Declaration of Thanthai Selva on 14th May 1976. The so called pacts 1956, 57 and 65 between the Sri Lankan Government and Tamil leader Chelvanayagam were unilaterally abrogated by the Sinhalese Government.
In this background, it would be very appropriate to submit the unanimous resolution adopted by the Massachusettes Commonwealth of USA in the year 1979, the declaration of the Governor of the state 22 May as Eelam Day.
The Resolution:
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the year of One thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Nine
Resolution memorialising the President and the Congress to Recognise the Right of Self-Determination by the Tamil people of Tamil Eelam.
Whereas, the Tamils of Eelam, who number three million Hindus, Christians and Moslems occupy eight thousand square miles live an oppressed minority in Sri Lanka where the majority is composed of ten million Sinhalese, most of whom are Buddhists, and
Whereas, from ancient times two nations, the Sinhalese and the Tamils possessed distinct languages, religions, cultures and clearly demarcated geographic territories until the British who were characteristically oblivious to the differences between these two separate nations, imposed one rule for the purpose of colonial administrative unification, and
Whereas, as was to be expected in 1948 when the British left the island and two unwilling nations were consequently left under a unitary governmental structure, the majority Sinhalese faction subverted democratic principles to become the new masters of the Tamil-speaking people, and
Whereas, The Tamil nation of Eelam at the general election of May 1977 gave a clear mandate for the restoration and reconstitution of the separate sovereign state of Tamil Eelam by winning 18 out of the 19 Tamil seats in Tamil Eelam, and
Whereas, the Sinhala government of Sri Lanka has occupied the territory of Tamil Eelam with its armed forces and security services and are denying the right of self-determination and sovereignty of the Tamil nation by the use of force on Tamil people, and
Resolved, that the Massachusetts House of Representatives hereby urges the President and the Congress of the United States to support the struggle for freedom by the Tamil nation for the restoration and reconstitution the separate sovereign state of Tamil Eelam and to recognize publicly the right of self-determination by the Tamil people of Tamil Eelam, and be it further resolved,
the copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the President of the United States,
Edward J. King, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts made a proclamation on 16th May 1979 declaring 22nd May 1979 as EELAM TAMILS DAY.
The HRC adopted its resolution 30th September, applauding and garlanding the role of Sri Lankan Government. What a shame? Praising at full length, the LLRC and rejecting the recommendation of the HR Commissioner that the HRC should consider further international action to ensure accountability for international crimes.
The President of Sri Lanka, Maithribala Sirisena adamantly stated we will not allow anybody from a foreign country to investiage the happenings in Sri Lanka.
Honourable Vigneswaran, the Chief Minister of Northern Province of Sri Lanka, mada a correct statement that nobody, even a Sri Lankan Tamil could not render justice, if he is included in the investigation panel.
The Northern Province Council has adopted a resolution:
The Sri Lankan government intentionally corralled Tamils into the so-called No Fire Zones in 2009, in a calculated and deliberate attempt to destroy as many Tamils as possible. According to UN Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Accountabilty in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan Government: “Shelled on a large scale in three consecutive No Fire Zones, where it had encouraged the civilian population to concentrate, even after indicating that it would cease the use of heavy weapons. It shelled the United Nations hub, food distribution lines and near the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) ships that were coming to pick up the wounded and their relatives from the beaches.
Callum Macrae, director of award-winning documentaries about Sri Lanka with UK’s Channel 4, reported on “evidence that the attacks killing civilians were accurately targeted.
In a submission to the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, the Bishop of the Mannar Catholic Diocese, Rt.Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph, stated that according to the Government Secretaries, the population in the Vanni region in early october 2008 was 429,059. However only 282380 people emerged from the Vanni into government controlled areas, according toUN OCHA 2009 statistics. Thus, over 1,46,679 people in the Vanni are no accounted for after the 2009 atrocities.
Callum Macrae also reported that evidence exists “ depicting the systematic and cold-blooded execution of bound, naked prisoner-and which also suggests sexual assault of naked female fighters.” At least 200 deceased and mutilated bodies, primarily of Tamil women and young girls, were observed by the employee of an international agency at the mortuary of a government hospital in February and March 2009.
As early as the 1990s, there have been reported incidents of forced sterilization of the Up-country Tamils.
Doctors aligned with the Sri Lankan government abortions on Tamil Women.
Dr Sinnathambi who performs forced abortions, often under the guise of a regular check-up, on Tamil women suspected of being aligned with the LTTE
Further, in August 2013, government health workers forced mothers to accept surgically implanted birth control in Tamil villages of Veravil, Keranchi and Valaipaddu in Kilinochchi in the Northern Province. When the women objected, the nurses said that if they did not agree to the contraceptive, they could be denied treatment at the hospital in the future. A Ministry of Health Department report from the Northern Province in 2012 found an unjustifiably higher rate of birth control implants-thirty times hight-in Tamil women in Mullaiteevu, compared to the much more densely populated Jaffna.
The population of this Tamil group has dropped annually since 1996 by five percent, whereas the population of the country overall has grown by fourteen percent. In Contrast, police and Army officers have been encouraged to have third child through payment of 1,00,000 rupees from the Government. The Police and Army are overwhelmingly Sinhalese, and thus those taking advantage of this offer as Sinhalese. “This systematic pattern of authority-sanctioned coerced sterilizations may amount to an intentional destruction.....of Tamil estate population” as stated by the Home for Human Rights.
Resolved that,
The obligation to prevent and punish genocide under the Genocide Convention is not a matter of political choice or calculation, but one of binding customary international law. This Council urges OISL to comprehensively investigate and report on the charge of genocide in its submission to the UN HRC in March 2015. The UN Security Council should refer the situation in Sri Lanka to the International Criminal Court for prosecutions based on war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
To this day, Tamils in the North East suffer from Sri Lanka’s ongoing genocide. In some areas of the NorthEast, there is 1 soldier for every 3 Tamils.
There are approximately 90000 female headed households in the NorthEast after the end of the armed conflict. These women are especially vulnerable to sexual violence due to the military’s predatory practices. This council urgently calls upon the international community to create conditions suitable and sustainable to protect the Tamils of the NorthEast Provinces in Sri Lanka from genocide.
The case of genocide in Sri Lanka is unique among genocide in history because it occurred over several decades and under different governments before intensifying into a no-holds barred war for nearly three decades and culminating in the mass atrocities of 2009.
to ensure a sustainable future for self-determination, peace and justice in Sri Lanka and for the Tamil people.
I recall the freedom struggle of Ireland, by the end of 18th century, the Irish Parliament was abolished by the British, Irish leaders had to bow before the bill of the British Parliament in London. for 15 years political resistance disappeared in Ireland, except for one abortive revolt in 1803.
The British empire thought that the Irish struggle has been quelled and nobody will dare to raise his finger against them.
But in 1803, a 25 year old student, ignited the fire in the minds of the Irish youth to fight for freedom of their motherland. He was Robert Emmet, a brilliant student at Trinity College, Dublin. At the age of 15, young Emmet, inflamed his fellow students with the power of his eloquence, he presented the past glories of Ireland, sighted the French revolution. He was expelled from Trinity Collge end he escaped to Europe.
On July 23rd 1803, returned secretly to Dublin, organised an insurrection to cease the arsenal and castle. His attempt failed. He was arrested, brought to trial and condemned death for treason.
In the court, he raised his head with pride and roared like a lion. It is pertinent to quote Robert Emmet’s thundering speech here, because, the Sinhalese racist and the collaborators of the crime of genocide, including Indian Government, are living in fools paradise.
With the thought, the resistance and struggle of the Eelam Tamils have vanished after 2009 and the anguished cry of the Tamils to get justice, has been totally silenced,
My lords,
I do not imagine that, seated where you are, your mind can be so free from prejudice as to receive the least impression from what I am going to utter.
The man dies, but his memory lives. That mine may not perish, that it may live in the respect of my countrymen.
yes my lords, a man who does not wish to have his epitaph written until his country is liberated will not leave a weapon in the power of envy, or a pretense to impeach the probity which he means to preserve, even in the grave to which tyranny consigns him.
If there is a true Irishman present, let my last words cheer him in the hour of his affliction.
(Lord Norbury interrupted, saying that he did not sit there to hear treason)
My country was my idol. To it, I sacrificed every selfish, every endearing sentiment; and for it I now offer up myself,
I acted as an Irishman, determined on delivering my country from the yoke of a foerign and unrelenting tyranny
Be yet, patient. I have but a few more words to say- I am going to my cold and silent grave-my lamp of life is nearly extinguished-my race is run-the grave opens to receive me, and I sink into its bosom. I have but one request to ask at my departure from this world; it is-the charity of its silence. Let no man write my epitaph;
Let them allow me to rest in obscurity and peace, and my tomb remain uninscribed, and my memory in oblivion.
When my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then, and not till then, let my epitaph be written. I have done.
We reiterate the declaration of the International Tamil conference held here at Penang last year, under the leadership of Prof. Ramasamy.
There should be an internatioanl independent investigation on the crimes of genocide of Tamils committed by Sri Lankan Government since 1948 till date.
1. The armed forces of the Government of Sri Lanka should be withdrawn from Tamil areas.
2. Immediate measures needed to prevent further torture and harassment, rape and killings.
3. The internally displaced persons who are still kept in captivity in Government run camps should be sent to their native places and home in an rehabilitated environment.
4. International aid agencies,NGOs, International Committee of Red Cross should be given free access to go into the affected Tamil areas and provide.
5 Settlement of Sinhalese in the traditional Tamil areas, i.e. the state aided colonisation should be stopped forthwith.
The settlers should be sent out of the Tamils homeland.
I would appeal to all of you to take all possible efforts through the democratic nations to conduct a referendum under the supervision of international observers for Tamils of Sri Lanka to have a independent sovereign nation on the plank of Vattukkottai Resolution of 1976, in which the Tamil diaspora also to particpate in the referendum in the respective countries where do they live.
Oman MDMK Internet Wing
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